The Kardashian’s Most Favorite Russian Manicure, Is It Safe?

Why does the Kardashian family mainly choose Russian manicures, and is this manicure really safe?

Russian manicures have been a trend not only in America but also in Europe. Most actresses, models, and influencers get their manicures done by Russian manicurists, as they not only focus on the speed of work but also the quality, making sure the shine, architecture, and cuticle treatment of the nail are all top-tier. 

Across nail salons in Europe and the US, this trend is known under different names: Russian manicure, Hardware Manicure, E-File, etc. Its popularity went viral thanks to social networks, and photos and videos of celebrities who boasted of neat manicures done with this technique were distributed there. The American tabloid The New York Post even wrote about the trend.

In fact, the popular “Russian manicure” is just a variation of the hardware method of nail care. The first such application appeared in Germany almost half a century ago, but the trend gained wide popularity in the post-Soviet era. Russian manicure artists eventually won the attention of the rest of the world with their masterpieces.

russian manicure in nail salon

Advantages of Russian Manicure

Various methods are used in the process of nail treatment using modern steps in order to achieve the best results. These steps are changed depending on the nature of the work, one is used to remove old varnish, another to remove hangnails, and a third for grinding.

many women now prefer to do Russian manicures due to their simplicity and better after effect, which is a specialized device called a milling cutter. With its help, you can do the work not only as quickly as possible, but also with quality results. At the same time, the manicure will be performed professionally without the use of sharp manicure tools. The milling cutter allows you to carry out standard cleaning, grinding, as well as correction of nails. It can also be used to align the natural or artificial nail plate, perform professional polishing, and safely remove the cuticle.

Another advantage of a Russian manicure is the ability to treat only the problematic areas that need treatment, not affecting healthy skin and nail plate. Cuticles treated with a milling cutter grow back much more slowly, so the client will not have to visit the salon too often.

Disadvantages of Russian Manicure

Despite the popularity of this method, it also has opponents who consider it quite aggressive, and most importantly, not as safe. It’s recommended to leave it to the specialists that can perform a “Russian manicure” properly, and not to do it at home. The main danger of the “Russian manicure” is that due to any possible risk of inexperience, you can damage the nail plate, disrupt its growth, or leave a furrow, which at best will look unaesthetic, and at worst will require serious treatment.

What is often called “grinding” and “polishing” actually wears away the skin around the nail plate. Clients report that the skin becomes thicker over time, forcing them to seek the services of a nail technician on a regular basis. Be sure to get an experienced technician, as an inexperienced one can result in burning sensations or other unpleasant sensations during the procedure.

dry russian manicure

How to Reduce Risks During Russian Manicure

Russian manicure remains one of the most popular in Russia, sometimes there aren’t even alternatives for them in salons. Therefore, we recommend simply following the rules that will keep you safe.

Specialist  verification

Study the specialist’s work biography: where they worked, what educational qualifications they have, how often have they taken courses, and improvements in their qualifications. If this information isn’t available on the salon’s website or in the office, do not be afraid to ask for it directly.

what is a Russian manicure

Checking the sterility of instruments

All tools used in the salon must either be disposable (as in the case of a nail file) or undergo sterilization. They must be soaked in a disinfectant solution, then washed under running water, and then processed in closed craft packages under high temperatures. The manicurist must open the craft package in front of you.

In addition, the tools should be free of stains, rust, dust, or any traces of possible use.

Check reviews

Look at any reviews about the salon and manicurists not only on their salon pages on social networks or websites but also on online maps. Try to contact those salons whose services your friends and acquaintances have already used and have experience with.

russian manicure nails

Past works on the page

Visually evaluate the manicurist’s portfolio. Look for cuts on their client’s fingers and the quality of their manicures. Is the work done neatly?

If everything is okay, you can safely contact the specialist.

The Bottom Line

The Russian manicure, a popular nail care technique, offers several advantages like precision, speed, and a polished finish. However, it also carries potential risks if not performed correctly. Excessive filing or the use of harsh chemicals can damage the nail plate.

To minimize these risks, it’s important to choose a qualified technician, ensure proper sterilization of tools, and communicate your concerns about nail health. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the benefits of a Russian manicure while protecting your nails.

russian gel manicure


Is the Russian manicure technique harmful to nails?

While the Russian manicure technique can be beneficial for nail health when performed correctly, it can also be harmful if done improperly. Excessive filing or the use of harsh chemicals can weaken nails and lead to damage.

Are there any risks associated with e-filing?

E-filing can be safe when used correctly, but it can also cause damage if not used with care. Overheating the nail plate or using the wrong grit can lead to weakening and splitting.

Can Russian manicures cause nail infections?

If it is not performed qualified technician, Russian manicures can increase the risk of nail infections. Proper sterilization of tools and adherence to hygienic practices are essential.

Why is the Russian manicure so popular?

The Russian manicure has gained popularity due to its focus on natural nail health and its ability to create a polished look without excessive length or harsh chemicals.

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