Pedicure in Pregnancy: Do’s, Don’ts, and Safety Guidelines

A pedicure isn’t just about beautifying the nails, it’s also about relaxing and refreshing our feet, body, and soul. In pregnancy, pedicure can be a much-needed break, as the extra weight often leads to foot discomfort. However, safety for both mother and child is paramount, necessitating certain precautions.

Pregnancy is not only a time of significant change and joy but it also brings various physical challenges. While preparing and adjusting to new lifestyles, we often neglect our self-maintenance. However, maintaining a self-care routine, especially foot care, is crucial during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, many women experience swelling and discomfort in their feet, leading to various frustrations, desires, and fears. The following table outlines some of the common issues pregnant women face due to foot swelling and discomfort.

1Difficulty walkingComfort and ease of movementPermanent mobility issues
2Inability to wear favorite shoesAbility to wear comfortable footwearLong-term damage to feet
3Constant pain and discomfortRelief from pain and swellingChronic foot pain post-pregnancy
4Limited mobilityFreedom to move around freelyComplications affecting the baby
5Trouble sleepingA good night’s restInsomnia affecting overall health
6Increased stressRelaxation and stress reliefStress impacting the baby’s health
7Difficulty performing daily tasksEase in performing daily activitiesDependency on others
8Lack of proper foot hygieneMaintaining good foot hygieneRisk of infections or other foot issues

Pedicures can play a crucial role in alleviating many of these issues. Comfortable, well-maintained feet can significantly improve mobility, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being during pregnancy. Furthermore, the pampering aspect of pedicures can boost mood and provide a sense of normalcy amidst the many changes that come with pregnancy.

In this blog we will explore the do’s and don’ts of pedicures during pregnancy, providing guidelines to ensure a safe and relaxing experience.

foot care in pregnancy

Choose a reputable salon or spa

When selecting a salon or spa for your pedicure, it’s essential to prioritize cleanliness and hygiene. Look for salons or spas that maintain high standards of cleanliness and sterilization. Ensure that they use clean, properly sanitized tools and equipment for each client. This helps reduce the risk of infections, which is particularly important during pregnancy when your immune system may be more vulnerable.

Inform your nail technician

Once you’ve chosen a salon or spa, inform your nail technician that you’re pregnant. This allows them to take any necessary precautions and make adjustments to accommodate your needs. Your technician should be aware of your pregnancy so they can avoid using certain products or techniques that may not be safe during this time. They may also be able to offer recommendations for pregnancy-safe products and treatments.

nail polish options in pregnancy

Opt for water-based nail polish

According to Walnut Hill OBGYN While traditional nail polishes are considered safe during pregnancy, experts suggest avoiding gel polishes and manicures. The effects of gel manicures during pregnancy haven’t been widely studied, and the ultraviolet lights used to set the gel are something you want to avoid while pregnant.

To be safe, consider opting for water-based nail polish or ask for nail polish that is free from any harmful substances. Water-based polishes are generally considered safer alternatives during pregnancy.

Request a gentle massage

Swollen feet and ankles are common during pregnancy, a gentle foot massage can provide much-needed relief. During your pedicure session, request a gentle massage to help alleviate swelling and discomfort in your feet and lower legs. A skilled technician can use light pressure and soothing techniques to promote better circulation and reduce tension.

Take breaks and listen to your body

Pregnancy can be physically demanding, so it’s essential to listen to your body and take breaks as needed during your pedicure session. If you start to feel uncomfortable or experience any unusual symptoms, don’t hesitate to speak up or take a break. Your comfort and well-being should always be the top priority, so feel free to communicate any concerns or preferences to your nail technician.

The Don’ts of Pregnancy Pedicures

Avoid prolonged soaking in hot water

While a foot soak can be relaxing, it’s essential to avoid prolonged soaking in hot water during pregnancy. Hot water can raise your body temperature, potentially leading to overheating, which is not safe for you or your baby. Instead, opt for a brief foot soak in lukewarm water or ask for a cool water soak to help soothe swollen feet without increasing your body temperature.

Avoid harsh nail polish removers

Many nail polish removers contain harsh chemicals like acetone, which can emit strong fumes that may be harmful when inhaled, especially during pregnancy. These fumes can potentially irritate your respiratory system and may even pose risks to your baby’s development. To minimize exposure to harmful chemicals, ask for acetone-free nail polish removers or look for gentler alternatives that are safe for use during pregnancy.

Foot-Massage in pregnancy

Skip deep tissue massage 

While massage can be beneficial during pregnancy, certain techniques like deep tissue massage or reflexology on pressure points believed to induce labor should be avoided. These techniques can potentially stimulate contractions and trigger preterm labor, especially if you’re nearing your due date. Stick to gentle, relaxing massage techniques that promote circulation and relaxation without targeting specific pressure points associated with labor induction.

Stay away from strong chemical odors

Pregnancy can make you more sensitive to strong smells, including those from chemical products like nail polish, acrylics, and nail polish removers. Strong chemical odors can be overwhelming and may trigger nausea, headaches, or other discomforts, which are common pregnancy symptoms. If you find the smell of certain products bothersome, consider stepping outside for some fresh air or asking for the salon to provide better ventilation during your pedicure session.

Avoid aggressive cuticle trimming

Cutting or trimming your cuticles too aggressively can increase the risk of infection, especially during pregnancy when your immune system may be compromised. Instead of cutting your cuticles, gently push them back using a cuticle pusher or ask your nail technician to do so using sanitized tools. This helps maintain the health of your nail beds and reduces the risk of injury or infection.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions or voice concerns

Your safety and well-being are paramount during pregnancy, so don’t hesitate to ask questions or voice any concerns you may have about the safety of certain products or procedures during your pedicure. Your nail technician should be knowledgeable about pregnancy-safe practices and be willing to accommodate your needs and preferences. If you’re unsure about the safety of a particular product or treatment, we suggest you stay away from it.

Understanding Pedicure Safety During Pregnancy

chemicals in products could be harmful in pregnancy

Chemical Concerns

One of the primary concerns with pedicures during pregnancy is exposure to chemicals. Nail products often contain compounds that can be harmful in large amounts. However, occasional exposure in well-ventilated areas is generally considered safe. To minimize risks, pregnant women should opt for nail products free from the ‘toxic trio’—dibutyl phthalate, toluene, and formaldehyde—and other harmful chemicals. Many brands now offer “3-free” or “5-free” options.

what is 3-free or 5-free nail polish? 

3-free and 5-free refer to the number of chemicals a nail polish is free from. It’s a way to identify potentially less harsh nail polishes.


This means the polish doesn’t contain the following three chemicals often considered harmful:

Formaldehyde: A preservative that can cause skin irritation and respiratory problems.

Toluene: A solvent that can affect the nervous system.

Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP): A plasticizer that may disrupt hormones.


This means the polish doesn’t contain the following five chemicals often considered harmful:

Formaldehyde: A preservative that can cause skin irritation and respiratory problems.

Toluene: A solvent that can affect the nervous system.

Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP): A plasticizer that may disrupt hormones.

Formaldehyde Resin: A binder that can cause allergic reactions.

Camphor: A hardening agent that can dry out nails and cause yellowing.

In short: 3-free is a good starting point, but 5-free offers a bit more protection from potentially harmful chemicals.

Physical Safety

The physical process of a pedicure, including soaking, trimming, and massaging, is typically safe, but some precautions should be taken.

Gentle Massage: Avoid deep massage, especially on specific pressure points that could induce contractions.

Sterilization: Ensure tools are properly sterilized to prevent infections, as pregnant women are more susceptible due to a slightly suppressed immune system.

Ventilation: Choose salons with good ventilation to avoid inhaling fumes that might be more irritating during pregnancy.

Foot Baths in Pregnancy

Foot baths can harbor bacteria if not cleaned properly. Pregnant women should avoid whirlpool foot baths unless the cleaning standards are guaranteed. An alternative is using a freshly cleaned basin with warm water.

pampered yourself in pregnancy through pedicure

At Home Pedicure in Pregnancy 

Hire a Professional Pedicurist for At-Home Pampering

Pregnancy can sometimes make even simple outings feel like a chore. Fortunately, you can still indulge in a luxurious pedicure experience without leaving the comfort of your home. Hiring a pedicurist from a reputable salon to provide an in-home session offers convenience and relaxation, especially when going outside seems daunting.

Convenience: With the physical discomforts and fatigue that often accompany pregnancy, the idea of getting dressed and traveling to a salon may seem overwhelming. Hiring a pedicurist to come to your home eliminates the need for travel, allowing you to enjoy the pampering experience without added stress.

Comfort: Being in familiar surroundings can enhance relaxation during your pedicure session. You can lounge in your favorite chair, play soothing music, and create a serene ambiance to make the experience even more enjoyable.

Personalized Attention: When you hire a pedicurist for an at-home session, you receive personalized attention tailored to your needs. You can communicate any preferences or concerns directly with the pedicurist, ensuring a customized experience that prioritizes your comfort and safety.

Avoiding Strong Smells: Pregnancy can heighten your sense of smell, making the strong scents commonly found in salons overwhelming and unpleasant. By bringing the pedicure experience into your home, you can control the environment and avoid exposure to strong odors that may trigger discomfort or nausea.

Safety: Bringing a pedicurist into your home allows you to ensure the cleanliness and hygiene of the environment. You can verify that the tools and equipment used are properly sanitized, minimizing the risk of infections or allergic reactions.

DIY Pedicure for Self-Care at Home

In case you prefer doing things yourself or want to save some money, a DIY pedicure is a fantastic option during pregnancy. Here’s how to create your own spa-like experience at home:

Gather Supplies: Start by gathering all the necessary supplies, including a foot bath or basin, nail clippers, cuticle pusher, nail file, foot scrub, moisturizer, and nail polish.

Prepare Your Space: Find a comfortable spot where you can relax and set up your supplies. Consider playing soothing music or lighting candles to enhance the ambiance.

Soak Your Feet: Fill a foot bath or basin with warm water and add a few drops of essential oil for a luxurious touch. Soak your feet for 10-15 minutes to soften the skin and relax your muscles.

taking care of feet in pregnancy

Exfoliate and Moisturize: Use a foot scrub to gently exfoliate your feet, focusing on rough areas like heels and calluses. Rinse off the scrub and pat your feet dry before applying a rich moisturizer to hydrate your skin.

Nail Care: Trim your nails to your desired length and shape them using a nail file. Gently push back your cuticles using a cuticle pusher or orangewood stick, being careful not to cut them.

Polish and Pamper: If you choose to paint your nails, apply a base coat followed by your favorite nail polish color. Allow the polish to dry completely before applying a top coat for added shine and longevity.

Relax and Enjoy: Take this time to relax and pamper yourself. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and enjoy the sensation of soft, well-groomed feet.

Whether you choose to hire a pedicurist for an at-home session or opt for a DIY pedicure, both options offer a wonderful opportunity for self-care and relaxation during pregnancy. Choose the option that best fits your preferences and needs, and enjoy the benefits of a soothing pedicure experience at home.


Pedicures during pregnancy can be a delightful and soothing part of self-care, as long as safety measures are taken. Understanding the do’s and don’ts, from choosing non-toxic products to avoiding deep massages and ensuring a clean and well-ventilated environment, is essential for a safe pedicure experience. Whether opting for a professional salon visit or a relaxing at-home session, pregnant women can enjoy the benefits of a pedicure with confidence and peace of mind. The journey of pregnancy is unique and special, and incorporating safe beauty routines can enhance the overall well-being of expectant mothers.

2 thoughts on “Pedicure in Pregnancy: Do’s, Don’ts, and Safety Guidelines”

  1. It was a worth reading article. I was in search of some tips related to pedicure in pregnancy got it here. Thanks


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